The Intel Xeon E5-1600 v3 processors take huge leaps forward in performance and power efficiency. Based on 22nm Haswell EP micro architecture and with LGA 2011-3 packaging, the Intel Xeon E5-1600 v3 family has core count ranging from four to eight, and supports DDR4 of up to four channels to feed these cores with adequate data. The support for Turbo Boost and Hyper-Threading technology take the computing capability to the next level.
The new Intel Xeon processor E5-1600 v3 family product helps IT address the growing demands placed on infrastructure, from supporting business growth to enabling new services faster, delivering new applications in the enterprise, technical computing, communications, storage, and cloud. It also enables powerful, agile data centers by supporting a Software-Defined Infrastructure (SDI) to address the imminent need of greater flexibility with higher levels of automation and orchestration. In addition, with the significant benefits in virtualization and security, as well as a low total cost of ownership and Intel??s acclaimed product quality, the Intel Xeon Processor E5-1600 v3 product family is a compelling solution for any organization.